Discflow Certification
Become a Discflow expert
You can follow this training session to obtain a Discflow certification. This certification will give you access to a backoffice to manage your colleagues' or clients' profiles in complete independence. It will enable you to use Discflow with confidence and to train teams to using Discflow.
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Your Discflow Certification's added value
The Discflow Certification will enable you to give individual feedbacks and to professionally faciliate workshops and training sessions with different group os people. The knowledge acquired during the certification will help you customise and enhance your own training programs.
The certification allows you to:
- Acquire expertise on the DISC model, Emotional Intelligence and the studies to back them up,
- Customise a Discflow program to answer to participants' specific needs
- Manage complex scenarios that can happen during a workshop or a coaching session
- Create strategies to promote a culture based on DISC
Your Discflow Certification content
The following elements are included in your Discflow certification:
- Your own Discflow Core profile and report
- Two half-a-day sessions, facilitated by our Discflow experts
- A final exam, and in case of success, a certificate of comptence
- A facilitation kit for your own workshops or training sessions
- An administrator account on the FACe plartform to manage your profiles
- An additional training session, within 2 months after the certification
Certifications happen online. If you prefer a face-to-face session, we will be happy to validate the feasibility with you.
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens on training day?
The certification is split in two session, happening on the same day. You will learn to master the DISC model, according to our approach Understand, Recognise, Adapt. You will then discover the elements of Emotional Intelligence integrated within Discflow, and finally how to realise and develop one's emotional intelligence to better exploit one's strengths and avoid the traps set by one's limitations.
How can I best prepare for the training session?
By subscribing to the training session, you will receive an invitation to realise your own Discflow CORE profile. You will do it before the certification day, as you will use the report during the training. We will also send you a pre-course read, with a theoretical and historical introduction, in order to maximise the time we will have for sharing and practice during the sessions.
Is there a certification exam?
Yes, the session ends with a half-an-hour examination. The goal of this exam is to make sure you understood the DISC model and the emotional intelligence elements (self awareness, awareness of others), and that you have integrated the caracteristics of different personality types, as well as good practices associated to the DISC model.