DISC Flow® - what are the benefits?

Improve your communication and behavioural understanding with the next generation DISC profile

DISC Flow® is a personal development tool that enables you to better understand your own and others' behaviours and motivations. It helps you to improve your communication, build more effective relationships and achieve your professional goals.

The benefits of DISC Flow® are

  • Increase your understanding of behaviours to better communicate with colleagues and clients
  • Improve your professional relationships by identifying the motivations of your interlocutors
  • Achieve your goals more easily by using the information to adapt your communication style
  • Facilitate conflict resolution by identifying risky behaviour
  • Assess your own profile to better understand your own motivations and behaviours

Who is DISC Flow® for?

DISC Flow® is ideal for professionals who want to improve their communication and understanding of behaviour. It is suitable for managers, trainers, coaches, sales people and all those who need to better understand the motivations of their interlocutors to achieve their professional goals.

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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

What skills can be measured with DISC Flow®?

Our DISC Flow® profile consists of 2 elements. First of all, DISC allows us to characterise the behavioural traits of a person. DISC will help us to understand how a person might act when he is motivated and everything is going well and how he might act under pressure or when things are not going so well. The second element is Emotional Intelligence (EI) which includes self-awareness and awareness of others. In the DISC Flow® model, your level of EI is supposed to be the factor that allows you to control the tendencies associated with your DISC style.

Is it true that a DISC Flow® report gives an exhaustive description of the person?

Absolutely not! DISC Flow® allows us to characterise the behavioural traits of a person. DISC will help us to understand how a person might act when he is motivated and everything is going well and how he might act under pressure or when things are not going so well.